

The LIAD – Architecture and Design Research Laboratory, is an organic structure of the Escola Superior Artística do Porto, incorporated under the Statute of the ESAP.

It is a center for studies that aims to develop and frame research activities, whether artistic, scientific or of technological development in the disciplinary fields of Architecture, Building and Urban Planning, supporting the development of academical research.

It promotes collaboration with the activities developed under the courses and organizational research units of the ESAP, also seeking to establish a dynamic relationship with the outside world, through protocols of service and collaboration with other institutions.

It promotes the disclosure of the results of research activity, organizing events of scientific, cultural and artistic nature, as well as other kind of similar initiatives.




Article 1 – Name, nature and duration

1. The Research Laboratory is called Research Laboratory in Architecture and Design, hereinafter referred to as LIAD.
2. LIAD is an organic structure of the Higher Artistic School of Porto (ESAP), constituted under the terms of the ESAP Statute.
3. The LIAD will last indefinitely.

Article 2 – Objectives

1. The objectives of LIAD are:
a) To develop and frame activities of artistic, scientific and technological development research in the disciplinary areas of Architecture, Construction, Urbanism and Design;
b) To support the development of research work of academic scope, namely those that fall within the framework of post-graduate training of ESAP courses and their faculty;
c) To promote collaborations with the activities developed within the scope of the courses and the organic units of investigation of the ESAP;
d) To establish a dynamic relationship with the outside through protocols of service provision and collaboration with other institutions;
e) Disseminate the results of the research activity developed and organize events of a scientific, cultural, artistic and other similar nature.
f) To present to the ESAP bodies proposals for postgraduate courses related to the Laboratory’s research lines.


Article 3 – Types of members

1. Integrated – LIAD is an integrated member of all those who are developing projects there, as a continuity, and as such have been admitted to a Scientific Council meeting on the proposal of the LIAD Directorate, and it is not necessary to be an ESAP lecturer .
2. Collaborators – Collaborators of LIAD are those who collaborate with it, participating in the development of ongoing projects and as such have been admitted to a meeting of the Scientific Council on a proposal from the Directorate of LIAD, not being a necessary condition to be a teacher of ESAP.

Article 4 – Conditions of admission

1. LIAD members may be all researchers who wish to develop Research Projects within the scope of the Laboratory, provided that they are approved by a Scientific Council meeting of LIAD, which is responsible for establishing the quality in which they are admitted.
2. Fellows, trainees and other temporary collaborators may also be admitted on a temporary basis, provided that such admission is approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors or happens following a call for tenders opened for this purpose.

Article 5 – Rights

1. Present proposals for Research Projects that can be classified in the object of the Laboratory.
2. Develop or participate in the development of the projects presented by them.
3. Participate in LIAD initiatives.
4. Be informed about LIAD activity.
5. To elect and be elected under the terms of this Statute.

Article 6 – Duties

1. Ensure compliance with the objectives of the Projects to which they are connected.
2. Contribute with its action to the pursuit of the purposes of the Laboratory.

Article 7 – Exclusion

1. Lose LIAD membership:
a) Those who express in writing their will to that effect;
b) Those who are dismissed by the Scientific Council on the initiative of this or preceding a reasoned proposal of the Direction of the LIAD, based on the non-fulfillment of the duties of the members;
c) Those who have not been working in the Laboratory for over a year.


Article 8 – Organs of LIAD

1. Direction.
2. Scientific Council.
3. External Advisory Committee on Scientific Advice.


Article 9 – Composition

1. Director.
2. Researchers Responsible for Research Groups.

Article 10 – Powers of Management

It is incumbent upon the Management to exercise all the powers necessary to carry out the activities that fall within the scope of the LIAD, namely:
a) To manage and manage its activity;
b) Decide on the launching and development of Research Projects and dissemination of their results;
c) To promote the organization of all the activities foreseen in its object;
d) To prepare plans and reports of activities and accounts;
e) Collect and manage the funds necessary for its operation;
f) To ensure the smooth running of all LIAD projects and activities;
g) Represent the LIAD;
h) To appoint commissions for the study or execution of the objectives and means of action of LIAD;
i) Decide on the hiring of personnel;
j) To propose to the Scientific Council the admission of new LIAD members;
j) To elaborate the internal regulations;
l) Appreciate all matters relevant to the life of LIAD, providing technical advice whenever deemed necessary.

Article 11 – Operation

1. The Board of LIAD meets whenever called by its Director or by two of its members.
2. The decisions of the Board of Directors are taken by a majority of the votes of the members present, and the Director has a casting vote.


Article 12 – Composition

1. The Scientific Council is composed of the integrated doctoral researchers.

Article 13 – Powers

1. Appreciate the annual activity plan and report, as well as the LIAD budget and accounts.
2. Appoint the Researchers Responsible for Groups and Research Projects.
3. To approve the Research Projects to be developed in LIAD.
4. To approve the admission of new members and decide on the quality in which they are admitted.
6. Appreciate and make proposals regarding all matters relevant to the operation of LIAD whenever it deems necessary.

Article 14 – Operation

1. The LIAD Scientific Council shall meet whenever convened by the LIAD Director or by two of its members.
2. The deliberations of the Scientific Council shall be taken by a majority of the votes of the members present, and the
Of Quality.
3. The LIAD Director shall prepare and preside over the meetings of the Scientific Council.


Article 15 – Composition

1. LIAD has a permanent external scientific advisory committee composed of individuals of recognized merit, which must include foreign researchers.
2. It is the responsibility of the Scientific Council of LIAD to deliberate on the composition of this Committee.

Article 16 – Powers

1. Analyze the operation of the Laboratory and, for that purpose, visit it annually.
2. Issue an opinion on the plan and annual activity report and the budget of the Laboratory.


Article 17 – Research Groups

1. A Research Group is a stable structure of LIAD organization.
2. A Research Group is made up of integrated researchers from LIAD, which may include collaborating researchers.
3. A Research Group is headed by a PhD Researcher.

Article 18 – Research Projects

1. A research project is limited to the duration of the execution of its work program.
2. A Research Project is made up of all the researchers that integrate it.
3. A Research Project is headed by a Responsible Project Investigator, chosen from among LIAD’s integrated researchers.

Article 19 – Creation and extinction of Research Groups and Projects

1. The creation and extinction of Research Groups and Projects are the responsibility of the Scientific Council of the Laboratory, after the Direction of LIAD.
2. The proposal for the creation of a Research Group or Project shall be submitted to the LIAD Scientific Council by the integrated researchers or the Principal Investigator.


Article 20 – Powers of LIAD Director

1. Chair the LIAD Board.
2. Organize, prepare and chair LIAD Scientific Council meetings.
3. Ensure the proper functioning of LIAD in all respects respecting its objectives.

Article 21 – Competencies of Researchers Responsible for Groups or Research Projects

1. Ensure scientific leadership of the Research Group or Project
2. Develop the management activities of the Group or the Research Project, in liaison with the LIAD Board.
3. Keep the LIAD Board informed about the activities carried out within the scope of the Group or the Research Project.

Article 22 – Election and Mandates

1. Director of LIAD
a) The Director of LIAD is elected from among its researchers integrated doctorates, not being a necessary condition to be a teacher of ESAP.
(b) The term of office of the Director of LIAD shall be two years.
c) The electoral college for the election of the Director of LIAD is composed of all the integrated researchers.
d) The Director of LIAD takes office before the Director of the Board of Directors of ESAP.
2. Responsible Researchers
a) Responsible Investigators shall be appointed by the Scientific Council of the Laboratory, after the Directorate of LIAD.
b) The mandate of the Researcher Responsible for a Research Group is two years.
c) The mandate of the Researcher Responsible for a Research Project corresponding to the duration of the Project.


Article 23 – Assignment of assets
1. LIAD’s assets are composed of all assets, assets and real estate that may be assigned to the pursuit of its purposes.
2. This patrimony will be affection to the sustentation and operation of the Laboratory, being the latter its management.

Article 24 – Funds

1. The LIAD shall provide for the funds necessary for its operation.
2. LIAD funds shall have the following sources:
(a) funds obtained through public calls for tenders for research funding;
b) Contributions, subsidies or donations from public or private entities;
c) Any revenues from organized activities and services provided by LIAD.
d) Other revenues whose perception is not prohibited by law.
3. The funds obtained by LIAD will be allocated exclusively to you.


Article 25 – Amendment of the Articles of Association

1. These statutes can only be changed at a meeting of the LIAD Scientific Council convened for this purpose.
2. The deliberations of the LIAD Scientific Council on amendments to the statutes require prior favorable opinion of the Direction of LIAD.
3. The Director of the ESAP Board of Directors shall be responsible for their approval.

Article 26 – Dissolution

1. The LIAD may be dissolved by a favorable resolution of its Scientific Council at a meeting expressly called for this purpose, after consulting the LIAD Board and the External Scientific Follow-up Committee.
2. The resolution on the dissolution requires the favorable vote of three-fourths of the total number of effective members of the Scientific Council.

Article 27 – Doubts and omissions

It is for the Scientific Council to deliberate on cases that are silent or where there are doubts about the interpretation of this Statute.